HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2610 Switch User Manual

Release R.11.12 Enhancements
Configuring Additional Validation Checks on ARP Packets
Dynamic ARP protection can be configured to perform additional validation checks on ARP packets.
By default, no additional checks are performed. To configure additional validation checks, enter the
arp protect validate command at the global configuration level.
You can configure one or more of the validation checks. The following example of the arp protect
validate command shows how to configure the validation checks for source MAC address and
destination AMC address:
ProCurve(config)# arp protect validate src-mac dst-mac
Syntax: [no] arp protect validate <[src-mac] | [dst-mac] | [ip]>
src-mac (Optional) Drops any ARP request or response
packet in which the source MAC address in the
Ethernet header does not match the sender MAC
address in the body of the ARP packet.
dst-mac (Optional) Drops any unicast ARP response packet
in which the destination MAC address in the
Ethernet header does not mach the target MAC
address in the body of the ARP packet.
ip (Optional) Drops any ARP packet in which the
sender IP address is invalid. Drops any ARP
response packet in which the target IP address is
invalid. Invalid IP addresses include:,, all IP multicast addresses, and
all Class E IP addresses.