HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2610 Switch User Manual

Software Fixes in Release R.11.04 - R.11.25
Release R.11.24
Workaround: either disable / re-enable ARP protect, or configure ports to be trusted, and then
untrusted again.
Config (PR_0000002077) — Presence of the valid CLI/configuration parameter spanning-
tree trap errant-bpdu will trigger failure to upload a configuration, with the switch reporting
an error similar to the following (in this example, the problem parameter was on line 16 of
the configuration).
line: 16. trap: Error setting configuration.
Corrupted download file.
Enhancement (PR_0000010292) — DHCP option 12 (hostname option) was imple-
mented. For more information, see “Release R.11.23 Enhancements” on page 50.
Enhancement (PR_0000011010) — Support is added for Hitless MAC Authentication
Reauth. For more information, see “Release R.11.23 Enhancements” on page 50.
CLI/Config (PR_0000013696) — Entry of the CLI command no VLAN <VLAN id> will trigger
the switch to prompt the user to ask if they want to remove the VLAN (as designed).
Answering "no" will result in the VLAN being removed anyway.
Release R.11.24
The following problems were resolved in release R.11.24.
Management (PR_0000012818) — The switch management interface may become unre-
sponsive as a result of packet buffer depletion.
Port Communication (PR_0000015750) — A port may become unresponsive, resulting
in the device connected to that port being unable to communicate on the network. Moving
the client to another port restores the client communication, but only a reload of the switch
restores communication on the affected port. This issue may be associated with any of the
following symptoms in the affected ports.
Toggling (offline/online/offline)
Port may remain linked but Rx counters stop incrementing
Port may remain linked and receives small packets (errors may increment)
Physical layer errors may increment on a port (e.g. CRC errors, collisions, runts, giants)
Release R.11.25
The following problems were resolved in release R.11.25.
DHCP / DHCP Snooping (PR_0000008118) — Switches may be intermittently unable to
get an IP address via DHCP after enabling DHCP snooping.