4 Summary of the HP/Phoenix BIOS
HP/Phoenix BIOS (BIOS version: GJ.07.xx)
POST Test Description
System BIOS Tests
LED Test
Tests the LEDs on the control panel.
Processor Test
Tests the processor’s registers. Test failure causes the boot process to
System (BIOS) ROM Test
Calculates an 8-bit checksum. Test failure causes the boot process to
RAM Refresh Timer Test
Tests the RAM refresh timer circuitry. Test failure causes the boot process
to abort.
Interrupt RAM Test
Checks the first 64 KB of system RAM used to store data corresponding to
various system interrupt vector addresses. Test failures cause the boot
process to abort.
Shadow the System ROM
Tests the system ROM BIOS and shadows it. Failure to shadow the ROM
BIOS will cause an error code to display. The boot process will continue,
but the system will execute from ROM. This test is not performed after a
soft reset (using and ).
Load CMOS Memory
Checks the serial EEPROM and returns an error code if it has been
corrupted. Copies the contents of the EEPROM into CMOS RAM.
Checks the CMOS RAM for start-up power loss, verifies the CMOS RAM
checksum(s). Test failure causes error codes to display.
Internal Cache
Memory Test
Tests the processor’s internal level-one cache RAM. Test failure causes an
error code to display and the boot process to abort.
Video Tests
Initialize the Video
Initializes the video subsystem, tests the video shadow RAM, and, if
required, shadows the video BIOS. A failure causes an error code to
display, but the boot process continues.