Example 1: One IBM ARTIC Adapter
The following example shows an ICAPARM.PRM file that can be used if you have only one IBM ARTIC
adapter installed in your computer.
Field Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11
# 1 1 1 1 F E1 $
Number Description
1 Beginning-Record Delimiter. If a # is not present, the line will be treated as a comment.
2 Base I/O address (ISA) or physical instance (PCI). For PCI adapters, the range is
3 Shared Memory Address, Meg Value. Range 00–0Fh for all IBM ARTIC adapters. (See Field
4 Shared Memory Address, Page Value. Range 60–6Fh for all IBM ARTIC adapters. Used with
Meg Value (Field 3) to define the window, in shared memory, used by the adapter to
communicate with the system unit. The Page Value is the memory offset in 8 KB increments.
A meg value of 00h and a page value of 60h results in a window address of C0000h.
5 Maximum Task Number on the adapter. Range 00–F8h; set to 10h.
6 Maximum Task Priority. Range 01–FFh; set to 10h.
7 Maximum Task Queue Number. Range 00–FEh; set to 10h.
8 Maximum Task Timer Number. Range 00–FEh; set to 10h.
9 and 10 The system address used to call an adapter reset. Use the values shown: 0Fh, E010h. (Not
supported on this adapter.)
11 End-Record Delimiter. Value ';' or '$'. If this is the last adapter in the ICAPARM file, set to '$';
otherwise, set to ';'.
A-2 IBM ARTIC186 8-Port Adapter GTO