Questions Notes
Local adapter
ADPTADR 107 Token-Ring Network Address of the Gateway
If the AS/400 system uses a Token-Ring network line to
connect to the 3174 controller, values specified for question
107 and for the ADPTADR parameter on the CRTLINTRN
command must match.
If the AS/400 system uses an Ethernet line through an 8209
LAN Bridge, see ″Appendix C: Local Area Network
Addressing Considerations″ in the Communications
Configuration book, for information about specifying the
ADPTADR parameter on the CRTLINETH command.
CNNNBR 423 Host DTE Address (HNAD)
For X.25 lines, the numbers specified on the CRTLINX25
command and in question 423 must match.
368 X.21 Switched Short-Hold Mode Dial Number
For X.21 short-hold mode connections, the numbers
specified on the CRTCTLRWS command and in question
368 must match.
424 3174 DTE Address
For X.25 SVCs, the connection number specified on the
CRTCTLRWS command and in question 424 must match.
service access
DSAP 940 Ring Address Assignment
The value specified for the DSAP parameter on the
CRTCTLRWS command must match the SAP@ specified for
the 3174 on the Ring Address Assignment display. Used for
token-ring only.
EXCHID 215 Physical Unit Identification
For switched connections, the 5-digit hexadecimal value
specified for question 215 must match the last 5 digits of the
exchange identifier specified on the CRTCTLRWS
Link type LINKTYPE 101 Host Attachment (3174)
Values specified on the CRTCTLRWS command and for
question 101 must match as follows:
v LINKTYPE(*SDLC), 101 = 2
v LINKTYPE(*X25), 101 = 3
v LINKTYPE(*LAN), 101 = 7 (token ring)
v LINKTYPE(*LAN), 101=8(Ethernet)
Modem data
rate select
MODEMRATE 318 Full- or Half-Speed Transmission
The values specified for the MODEMRATE parameter on the
CRTLINSDLC and CRTLINX25 commands must match
question 318 as follows:
v If MODEMRATE(*FULL), 318 = 0
v If MODEMRATE(*HALF), 318 = 1
Chapter 7. Communicating with remote workstation controllers 59