AS/400 Prompt
Display FBSS Prompt
Exchange identifier EXCHID SDLC
Identification block and Identification number
The values specified for the FBSS controller must
match the value specified in the EXCHID parameter
of the CRTCTLFNC command. The EXCHID
parameter must be specified as: xxxyyyyy, where xxx
matches the FBSS Identification block and yyyyy
matches the FBSS Identification number.
Link type LINKTYPE Communication
Data Link Control
Values specified for the FBSS and AS/400
configurations must match:
v If the FBSS response is SDLC, LINKTYPE(*SDLC)
must be specified for the CRTCTLFNC command.
v If the FBSS response is TRDLC, LINKTYPE(*LAN)
must be specified for the CRTCTLFNC command.
v If the FBSS response is X25DLC, LINKTYPE(*X25)
must be specified for the CRTCTLFNC command.
Local location address LOCADR Session-Id and LU
Host Logical Unit Numbers
FBSS logical unit number must match the LOCADR
parameter value specified on the CRTDEVFNC
The FBSS logical unit assignments are decimal
numbers; the AS/400 values must be hexadecimal.
LU Assignments
for Display
LU Assignments
for 3287 Printer
Host Logical Unit Numbers
FBSS logical unit number must match the LOCADR
parameter value specified on the CRTDEVDSP or
CRTDEVPRT command for 3270 devices attached to
the FBSS controller.
The FBSS logical unit assignments are decimal
numbers; the AS/400 values must be hexadecimal.
NRZI data encoding NRZI SDLC
Values specified for the AS/400 CRTLINSDLC
command and the FBSS controller must match.
Source service access
SSAP Token Ring
Service access point for Host/37xx/4700
Values specified for the FBSS and for the SSAP
parameter on the CRTCTLFNC command must
SSCP identifier SSCPID SSCP Names SSCP namexx
If used, the value specified for the FBSS controller
must match the last 10 digits of the SSCPID
parameter on the CRTCTLFNC command.
Station address STNADR SDLC
Station address
Values specified for the AS/400 CRTCTLFNC
command and the FBSS controller must match.
66 Version 5