Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management 17
Figure 8 Activating the On/Off CoD
Activating On/Off CoD using the command line interface.
Example 4 shows how node julia activates 2 CPUs and 8 GB of RAM for 3 days
by running via ssh the command chcod on the HMC.
Example 4 Activating CoD using command line interface
root@julia/.ssh>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 "chcod -m p550_itso1 -o a -c onoff
-r proc -q 2 -d 3"
root@julia/.ssh>ssh hscroot@hmctot184 "chcod -m p550_itso1 -o a -c onoff -r
mem -q 8192 -d 3"
Perform the dynamic LPAR operations to increase the CPU units and
memory capacity of the target partition.
After enabling the CoD feature for CPU, the additional processors are
automatically added in the shared processor pool and can be assigned to any
shared or dedicated partition.