Intel PX865PE7 Computer Hardware User Manual

PX865PE7 PRO/ PX865PE7
as block transfer, multiple commands, or multiple sector read/write.
your IDE hard drive supports block mode (most new drives do). The
condary PCI IDE
. Select
ate the
install a primary and/or secondary add-in IDE interface. Options:
ondary/Master/Slave PIO
The IDE PIO (Programmed Input / Output) fields let you set a PIO mode (0-4) for each of the IDE
devices that the onboard IDE interface supports. Modes 0 to 4 will increase performance
incrementally. In Auto mode, the system automatically determines the best mode for each device.
Options: Auto (default)Mode0Mode1Mode2Mode3Mode4.
tegrated Peripherals
Init Display First
With systems that have multiple video cards, this option determines whether the primary display uses
a PCI slot or an AGP slot. Options: AGP (default)PCI Slot
OnChip IDE Device
IDE HDD Block Mode
Block mode is o herwise known
Select the “Enabled” option if
system will automatically determine the optimal number of blocks to read and write per sector.
Options: Enabled (default)Disabled
On-Chip Primary/Se
The mainboard chipset contains a PCI IDE interface with support for two IDE channels
“Enabled” to activate the first and/or second IDE interface. Select “Disabled” to deactiv
interface if you are going to
Enabled (default)Disabled
IDE Primary/Sec