Intel PX865PE7 Computer Hardware User Manual

PX865PE7 PRO/ PX865PE7
Options: Disabled3F8/IRQ4 (default for port1)2F8/IRQ3(default for port2)3E8/IRQ4
Red (IR) standard to be used.
s the RxD and TxD frequencies. This field only configurable if “UART Mode
y the IR interface. Full-duplex mode permits simultaneous
Use IR Pins
mentation to select the correct setting of the TxD and RxD signals.
rallel Port.
r Port.
ly configurable if “Parallel Port Mode” is set to “EPP”
UART Mode Select
This item allows you to select the Infra
Options: Normal (default)ASKIR
RxD, TxD Active
This item determine
Select” is set to “ASKIR” or “IrDA”. Options: Hi / Lo (default)Hi / HiLo / HiLo / Lo
IR Transmission Delay
This item allows you to enable/disable IR transmission delay. This field only configurable if “UART
Mode Select” is set to “ASKIR” or “IrDA”. Options: Enabled (default)Disabled
UR2 Duplex Mode
Select the transmission mode used b
bi-directional transmission. Half-duplex mode permits transmission in only one direction at a time.
This field only configurable if “UART Mode Select” is set to “ASKIR” or “IrDA”.
Options: Half (default)Full
Consult your IR peripheral docu
This field is only configurable if “UART Mode Select” is set to “ASKIR” or “IrDA”.
Options: FullHalf (default)
Onboard Parallel Port
Select an address and corresponding interrupt for the onboard parallel port.
Options: 378/IRQ7 (default)278/IRQ53BC/IRQ7Disable
Parallel Port Mode
This option allows you to select a parallel port mode for the onboard parallel port.
abilities Port. Options: ECP(default) Extended Cap
EPP nhanced Pa E
SPP Standard Printe
EPP Mode Select
Select EPP port type 1.7 or 1.9. This field is on
or “ECP+EPP”. Options: EPP 1.9(default)EPP 1.7