High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification 117
HSK Device Driver Interface for VxWorks* 5.4
C.4.2 HSI_STATUS StartDevice
StartDevice is called for a device driver to commence or resume activity with its associated device.
Before this callback is invoked, the device should be fully initialized, and the device driver should
be ready to begin hardware interaction. If unsuccessful status is returned by this function, the HSK
Manager places this device into an unavailable state, meaning device activity suspends, although
re-initialization of this device may occur later. This callback is made only by an active system
( PRH_DEVICE_OBJ deviceobject )
Pointer to a device object returned by the AddDevice call. This data is a device context allowing
the device driver to identify the specific device whose state is changing to running. Device-specific
data is located in this object. The HA Manager places no restrictions on size or type of data used for
two reasons:
• The HSK Manager has no direct knowledge of the structure of this information
• The HSK Manager is not required to perform any actions with this object
Return Value
C.4.3 HSI_STATUS StopDevice
StopDevice is invoked by the HSK Manager when activity to the specified device is suspended.
The driver terminates all outstanding transactions if possible and rejects further device requests for
device access. If the driver attempts to process a request after receiving this message, a system
crash may occur because the driver may have lost or is losing visibility of the backplane device.
It is up to the device driver to enter a quiescent state, meaning if the device driver is still
functioning, it must perform the following tasks:
1. Normalize all data
2. Release resources that may have been allocated for specific transactions
3. Return to a pre-StartDevice hibernation state ready to receive a StartDevice callback in order
to resume device activity
( PRH_DEVICE_OBJ deviceobject )