High Availability Software for the Intel
ZT 4901 Technical Product Specification 55
Redundant Host API
returns FALSE. This mode can be used for configuration purposes, for example, to update system
software on the host. Setting the status to TRUE brings the host back from the isolation mode to the
state in which it can own and acquire domains.
If the parameter Available is FALSE, the target host must not own any domains when this function
is called. RhGetHostAvailability
IN uint32 Host,
OUT BOOLEAN *pAvailable);
Handle the handle of the current session
Host the host number
pAvailable pointer to the variable that receives a Boolean value: TRUE if the
specified host is currently available and can own domains, FALSE
otherwise (if the host is switched off or isolated from the rest of RH
Return Value:
returned in the case of success
invalid session handle
returned if this function is not supported by the infrastructure
Other, implementation-defined HSI_STATUS values
returned if other errors occurred during execution of this function
This function can be used to determine whether the specified host in an RH system is up and
running and can own domains. Returning *pAvailable=FALSE means that the specified host
currently does not participate in RH activities and cannot own domains (for example, is switched
off or runs in a special “isolation mode” or is unavailable due to some other reason).
The method of determining the availability status of the host is implementation-dependent. For
example, the infrastructure may be able to determine that the host is physically present but does not
have its inter-host communication queues initialized appropriately. In that case, it is considered not
available. In other implementations, there may be a specific hardware register on the host that is
visible to other hosts and has a bit that specifies host availability for RH activities (1=available,
0=not available). Other mechanisms are possible.