5. With the Connection Details screen displayed again (see Step 3
images), enter the access IP and viewer port number in the “Server
and Card” eld:
• Within a LAN: <Prima IP_local_IP>:<port_base> (e.g.,
• From across the Internet through a rewall/router:
<router_Public_IP>:<port_base> (e.g.,
Click “OK.”
At this point, your rst viewer connection has been made! Notice that
there’s also a Select Computer box overlaying the viewer window — the
Win32 viewer is shown below; the Java viewer is on the next page —
with computer icons (PC 1, PC 2, etc.). Later, you can congure the
icon names as your real computer names.
Also, at times you may nd that the local mouse cursor and the remote
mouse cursor are out of sync. You can use the following mouse
synchronization hotkey to bring them into sync:
[Right_Ctrl] – [Right_Ctrl] – [Home]
Use only the right control key, and not the left.