
2. Go to the Download screen and download/install the Win32 viewer
program. A viewer icon will appear on your desktop. NOTE: You can
download either a Win32 or Java version of the viewer, but the Java
viewer requires that Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0 or above be
already installed on your computer client. The Java viewer itself won’t
have an installation process: Just double-click on it to run the program.
3. Run the viewer program by double-clicking the viewer desktop icon
to display the Connection Details screen (Win32 below left; Java
below right).
4. Click “Options” to display
the Connection Options
screen (Win32 at right;
Java below right).
For viewer connection
within a LAN, select “LAN”
in the Compression panel.
For connection across
the Internet, select either
“Slow Internet” (poor
network bandwidth) or
“Fast Internet” (better
network bandwidth).
NOTE: “Restrict to 8-bit”
(in the Display panel) is
an option to consider
under limited-bandwidth
conditions. Also, to prevent others from sharing viewer access while
you’re connected through the switch, de-select “Shared Session” (in
the Session panel). Once you’ve selected your preferred options,
click “OK.”