Lanier IS100e Scanner User Manual

Managing Filing Folders
5 Managing Filing Folders
Settings on the Server
FTP uses RFC 959[FTP] as its protocol. Therefore, please make sure you
have legal FTP account with the privilege of writing under the directory to
save the files and the password before using FTP to save the files. To add a
sub-directory from IMAGE SCANNER IS100e, you need to have the
privilege of adding a new directory. When setting <NEW FOLDER> in
IMAGE SCANNER IS100e, fill the account and password in the field of
Server UID and Password respectively.
Both HTTP and AVPP use RFC 2616[HTTP 1.1] as their protocol. If you are
not using the HTTP port or AVPP port 80 to save the files, you must change
the HTTP Port or AVPP Port of IMAGE SCANNER IS100e to the port for the
Web Server.
Generally speaking, Web Server, such as IIS or the other HTTP server, will
use anonymous account for authentication, so that the user can link directly
to the web page without entering the user name and password first. Hence,
if the HTTP or AVPP Server allows anonymous account for authentication
when you use IMAGE SCANNER IS100e to keep the files, there is no need
for setting any text in the field of ServerID and Password of IMAGE