• 2024-CTO
• 7462-CTO, 45x, 48x, 49x, 4Ax, 4Bx, 4Cx, 4Dx, 4Ex, 4Fx, 4Gx, 4Hx, 4Jx, 4Kx, 4Lx, 4Mx, 4Nx, 4Px, 4Rx,
4Sx, 4Tx, 4Ux, 4Zx, FKx, FNx, FQx, FRx, FTx, FUx, FVx
• 7465-CTO, 24x, 25x, 26x, 27x, 28x, 29x, 2Dx, 2Ex, 2Fx, 2Hx, 2Jx, 2Kx, 2Lx, 2Nx, 2Px, 2Qx, 2Rx, 2Wx,
2Yx, D2x, D3x
• 7466-CTO, 35x, 38x, 39x, 3Ax, 3Bx, 3Cx, 3Dx, 3Ex, 3Fx, 3Gx, 3Jx, 3Mx, 3Px, 3Qx, 3Tx, 3Ux, 3Vx, 3Wx,
3Xx, 3Yx, 3Zx, 4Bx, 4Cx, 4Dx, 59x, 5Bx, 5Dx, F9x, 92x, 93x, 94x, 95x, 96x, 97x, 98x, 99x, 9Ax, 9Bx,
9Cx, 9Dx, 9Ex, 9Fx, 9Gx, 9Hx, 9Kx, 9Lx, 9Nx, 9Qx, 9Sx, 9Ux, 9Wx, DMx, H2x, H5x, H6x, H7x, H8x, H9x,
HAx, HBx, HCx, HEx
• 7469-CTO, 5Fx, 5Gx, 5Hx, 5Jx, 5Kx, 5Lx, 5Mx, 5Nx, 5Px, 5Qx, 5Rx, 5Sx, 5Tx, 5Ux, 5Vx, 5Xx, 5Yx,
5Zx, 6Kx, 6Lx, 6Mx, 6Px, 6Qx, 72x, 73x, 74x, 75x, 76x, 77x, 78x, 79x, 7Bx, 7Cx, 7Dx, 7Ex, 7Fx, 7Hx,
7Jx, 7Kx, 7Lx, 7Mx, 7Nx, 7Px, 7Qx, 7Sx, 7Tx, 7Ux, 7Xx, 7Yx, 7Zx, 82x, 83x, 84x, 85x, 86x, 88x, 89x,
8Ax, 8Bx, 8Cx, 8Dx, 8Ex, 8Fx, 8Gx, 8Hx, 8Jx, 8Lx, 8Mx, 8Nx, 8Px, 8Rx, 8Sx, 8Tx, 8Ux, 8Wx, 8Yx,
8Zx, G2x, G3x, G5x, GAx, GBx, GCx
• 7470-CTO, 64x, 68x, 69x, 6Ax, 6Bx, 6Cx, 6Dx, 6Ex, 6Fx, 6Gx, 6Hx, 6Jx, 6Kx, 6Mx, 6Nx, 6Px, 6Rx,
6Sx, 6Tx, 6Ux, 6Vx, 8Tx, 8Ux, 8Zx, E2x
• 2046-CTO
• 2047-CTO
Note: The Windows Vista recovery DVDs are available only for models with a valid Microsoft Windows Vista
certicate of authenticity (COA) afxed to the system. Due to a Microsoft licensing limitation, if a model came
with Windows Vista Business or Windows Vista Ultimate preinstalled from the factory, but has a Windows 7
COA afxed to the system, that model is eligible only for recovery DVDs that match the operating system
specied on the COA.
Table 50. Parts list—Windows Vista Business (32-bit) DVDs
Brazilian Portuguese 58Y2770
Danish 58Y2774
English 58Y2796
English (modem-disabled)
English, Finnish, and Swedish (in Sweden)
English, French, German, and Dutch (in Belgium and Luxemburg)
English, French, German, and Italian (in Switzerland)
French 58Y2775
Hebrew 58Y2778
Hungarian 58Y2780
Italian 58Y2781
Japanese 58Y2782
Korean 58Y2783
Norwegian 58Y2784
Polish 58Y2785
Portuguese 58Y2786
254 Hardware Maintenance Manual