4. Connect WAN Cable
Connect the DSL or Cable modem to the WAN port on the LevelOne Wireless Broadband
Router. Use the cable supplied with your DSL/Cable modem. If no cable was supplied, use
a standard cable.
5. Connect Printer Cable
Use a standard parallel printer cable to connect your printer to the Printer port on the Leve-
lOne Wireless Broadband Router.
6. Power Up
• Power on the Cable or DSL modem.
• Connect the supplied power adapter to the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router and
power up.
Use only the power adapter provided. Using a different one may cause hardware damage
7. Check the LEDs
• The Power LED should be ON.
• The Status LED should flash, then turn Off. If it stays on, there is a hardware error.
• For each LAN (PC) connection, the LAN Link/Act LED should be ON (provided the PC is
also ON.)
• The WAN LED should be ON.
• The Wireless LED should be ON.
• If the printer is On and On-line, the Print Act LED should be ON.
For more information about the LEDs, refer to LEDs - WBR-1400TX in Chapter 1.