OptraImage Setup Guide
Esto se aplica a todos los servidores de impresión MarkNet que lleven
la siguiente marca:
Este equipo está diseñado para trabajar en redes PSTN que aceptan
señales analógicas.
Sin embargo, debido a diferencias entre PSTN individuales
proporcionadas en distintos países, la certificación TBR 21 no
proporciona, por sí misma, una seguridad incondicional de un
funcionamiento correcto en cualquier punto de terminación de red
PSTN. Si surge algún problema, póngase en contacto, en primer lugar,
con el proveedor del equipo.
Lexmark no tiene conocimiento de dificultades de interoperación en los
siguientes países:
New Zealand
Telecom Warning
The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates
only that Telecom has accepted that the item complies with minimum
conditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of
the product by Telecom, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above
all, it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all
respects with another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different
make or model., nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all
of Telecom’s network services.
Warning! No ‘111’ or other calls can
be made from this device during a main
power failure.
This equipment may provide for the effective hand-over of a call to
another device connected to the same line.
Some parameters required for compliance with Telecom’s Telepermit
requirements are dependent on the equipment (PC) associated with this
device. In order to operate within the limits for compliance with
Telecom’s Specifications, the associated equipment shall be set to
ensure that calls are answered between 3 and 30 seconds of receipt of
If a charge for local calls is unacceptable, the “Dial” button should NOT
be used for local calls.
Only the 7-digits of the local number should be dialed from your
telephone. DO NOT dial the area code digit or “0” prefix.
Austria Bélgica Dinamarca Finlandia
Francia Alemania Luxemburgo Holanda
Grecia Islandia Irlanda Italia
Portugal Suecia Reino Unido Suiza