Understanding the printer configuration menus
Parallel menu
Use the Parallel menu to change printer settings on jobs sent through a parallel port.
Setup menu
Use the Setup menu to configure how the printer formats the end of a line depending on the
computer system being used.
Setting Use this setting to: Values
NPA Mode Send print jobs to the printer and
query printer status information
• Off
• On
• Auto*
Protocol Receive information at a much
higher transmission rate if your
printer is set to Fastbytes (if your
computer supports Fastbytes) or
receive information at a normal
transmission rate if your printer is
set to Standard.
• Standard
• Fastbytes*
Parallel Mode 2 Determine whether the parallel
port data is sampled on the
leading (On) or trailing (Off) edge
of strobe.
• Off
• On*
MAC Binary PS Configure the printer to process
Macintosh binary PostScript print
• Off—The printer filters PostScript print jobs
using standard protocol.
• On—The printer processes raw binary
PostScript print jobs from computers using the
Macintosh operating system. This setting often
causes Windows print jobs to fail.
• Auto*—The printer processes print jobs from
computers using either Windows or Macintosh
operating systems.
* Factory default
Setting Use this setting to: Values
Auto CR after LF Specify whether the printer automatically performs a carriage return
after a line feed control command.
• Off*
• On
Auto LF after CR Specify whether the printer automatically performs a line feed after
a carriage return control command.
• Off*
• On
* Factory default