Operating Instructions
3.5.4 Event Log
Accessing the Event Log enables the user to
scroll through the Nfinity’s past 255 occur-
rences. To open the Event Log, start at the
Main Menu, select Event Log and press .
Press the
and buttons to scroll through
the Nfinity’s Event Log in chronological order.
The Event Log contains the following infor-
The typical event log screen will display the
event number and reference code on the first
line. The purpose of this code is to assist fac-
tory trained service personnel in trouble-
shooting. Please make a note of the code
number when contacting technical support.
The second line contains the event descrip-
tion. The third line will have either more
detail about the event, a serial number indi-
cating as to which module the event occurred,
or be left blank. The last line will show the
date and time the event occurred.
Press to go back to the Main Menu.
When an event or alarm occurs, the User
Interface LCD will display the last message
regardless of the default screen. See 4.1 -
Active Alarms for a list of events and alarms
and possible solutions. If you are unsure of
the corrective action to take, contact a Liebert
representative at the number listed on the
back of this manual.
3.5.5 Active Alarms
Alarms affecting the Nfinity can be viewed at
the Active Alarms screen. To access the
screen, go to the Main Menu, select Active
Alarms and press .
When an alarm sounds, the User Interface
LCD will display a general explanation as to
what the alarm is indicating. To view these
messages in chronological order, press the
and buttons.
• The first line of a typical Active Alarms
screen will display the reason for the
alarm occurrence.
• The second line will give a more specific
detail of the occurrence (i.e., module serial
Press to go back to the Main Menu.
3.5.6 Transfer to Bypass
In the event of a UPS overload or failure, the
UPS will transfer to bypass via its automatic
bypass switch.
Main Menu
UPS Status
UPS Configuration
Display Date/Time
> Event Log
Active Alarms
Transfer to Bypass
Module Replacement
Service Tools
Event Log
Event: xxx/xxx xx
event message
event message
Event 031/255 NC09
Power module warning
19 MAY 2000 16:54:27
Event Detail or
Serial Number
Date of
Time of
Event Number
Reference Code
Main Menu
UPS Status
UPS Configuration
Display Date/Time
Event Log
> Active Alarms
Transfer to Bypass
Module Replacement
Service Tools
Active Alarms
Active Alarms Message
Main Menu
UPS Status
UPS Configuration
Display Date/Time
Event Log
Active Alarms
> Transfer to Bypass
Module Replacement
Service Tools
Transfer to Bypass
Press for bypass
Press ESC to cancel