Lightwave Communications 8200 Switch User Manual

3.4.3 Error Message Duration
This option determines the amount of time each error message will appear on the front
panel LCD display. Users may change this value either by pressing the highlighted
character (MM) or moving the highlight bar to the option and using the ++ or -- keys to
change the value. Pressing the highlighted character will increment the time until it
reaches the highest value, and then start again at the lowest value. Using the ++ and --
keys allows users to increment or decrement the value. The default value is 5 seconds.
3.4.4 Ignore Case in Names/Case Sensitive Names
Users may specify whether or not case is ignored when typing a server port name for
the Jump to port…Jump to port… option. If case is not ignored, then the users must type the server
port names exactly as they appear within the ServerSwitch 8200 memory. This option
is changed either by pressing the highlighted character (CC) while the System SetupSystem Setup
menu is on the screen, or by moving the highlight bar to the option and using the ++ and
-- keys to change the value.
3.4.5 Server Name Is Never On/Always On/Temporary
The server port name may be set to never display, always display, or display for a few
seconds and then disappear when the port is selected. If the port names have not been
changed by the users, then the default port names will be displayed instead. This
option is changed either by pressing the highlighted character (NN) while the System System
SetupSetup menu is on the screen, or by moving the highlight bar to the option and using the
++ and -- keys to change the value.
3.4.6 Other Options
The System SetupSystem Setup menu also allows users to access three other setup menus. Users
may configure individual server port parameters (such as port names) by selecting
Port setup…Port setup… from the menu. The position and appearance of the on-screen menu
may be configured by selecting menu Window setup…Window setup…, and the position and
appearance of the server port name window may be configured by selecting Server Server
window setup…window setup… from the System SetupSystem Setup menu.