
1. Connect the laptop serial port to the CONTROL IN port of the ServerSwitch
8200. Start the communications software, and configure the communications
parameters to 38,400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and DTE (38.4K
8N1 DTE). Select the correct serial port (i.e., COM1) as the I/O port if not
already selected.
2. From a ServerSwitch 8200 user port (either A or B will work), access the main
on-screen menu by pressing <CONTROL><CONTROL> and <ALT GRAPH><ALT GRAPH> simultaneously.
Select System SetupSystem Setup from the on-screen menu. From the System SetupSystem Setup
menu, press the <F1><F1> key to access the defaults/flash update menu. Press the
FF key to put the ServerSwitch 8200 in flash update mode.
3. Once the FF key has been pressed, the ServerSwitch 8200 sends a message
through the serial port prompting the user to send the binary update file, but there
is no confirmation through the user's on-screen menu that the flash update has
begun. Begin uploading the flash update binary file from the computer attached
to the CONTROL IN port to the ServerSwitch 8200. When the ServerSwitch
8200 has received the entire file, it will prompt the user through the serial port to
confirm that the file is correct. Once the file version is confirmed, the system will
program the flash and restart.