Linksys WRT150N Network Router User Manual

Chapter 5: Configuring the Wireless-N Home Router
The Administration Tab - Log
Wireless-N Home Router
The Administration Tab - Log
When you click the Administration tab, you will see the Log screen. It provides you with a log of all incoming and
outgoing URLs or IP addresses for your Internet connection.
Log. To access activity logs, select the Enabled radio button. With logging enabled, you can choose to view
temporary logs. Click the Disabled button to disable this function.
View Log. When you wish to view the logs, click View Log. A new screen will appear. Select Incoming Log,
Outgoing Log, Security Log, or DHCP Client Log. from the Type drop-down menu. The Incoming Log will display
a temporary log of the source IP addresses and destination port numbers for the incoming Internet traffic. The
Outgoing Log will display a temporary log of the local IP addresses, destination URLs/IP addresses, and
service/port numbers for the outgoing Internet traffic. The Security log will display the login information for the
Web-based Utility. The DHCP Client Log will display the LAN DHCP server status information.
Click the Save the Log button to save this information to a file on your PC’s hard drive. Click the Refresh button
to update the log. Click the Clear button to clear all the information that is displayed.
When you have finished making changes to this screen, click the Save Settings button to save the changes, or
click the Cancel Changes button to undo your changes. For more information, click Help.
Figure 5-41: Administration Tab - Log
Figure 5-42: View Log