Then click the “More Info” button Æ click on the Devices tabÆ you
should see a pci-bridge device listed under PCI as shown below:
Any PCIe Cards you install in the expansion chassis will appear behind
the pci-bridge device.
Mac OS 10.5.x
If any of these devices are not displayed as shown above, you should
shut down your system (computer first, then the expansion chassis) and
reconnect the cables and the PCIe expansion host card to ensure that
you have a solid connection. Then restart the Magma expansion
chassis followed by the computer. Next, try to verify the installation
again, as shown above. If you are still having problems, contact Magma
Technical Support at (858) 530-2511.
RedHat 9 Linux
Once the EB7-x8 has been installed in a RedHat9-based system, its
installation can be verified by typing the following command lines:
lspci –t Displays the overall structure of the PCIe expansion system
lspci –vv Lists additional information about the PCIe switch (in our
case it will list the Integrated Device Technology (IDT) information.
Ispci –vvv Displays the most comprehensive information about the
expansion system.
Typical output from lspci –vvv is verbose, but you can dig through the
information to find very important information. There are so many
registers and settings associtated with PCI Express Switches.