Marathon Technologies Corporation 39
7. A progress bar shows the files being copied to the FTvirtual Server boot
drive. This may take several minutes. When the installation completes,
remove the Windows CD if it is in the drive.
8. Click Yes in response to the prompt, Both CoServers must be reboo-
ted. Proceed?.
Finish the Windows Installation
1. To monitor the installation, after the CoServers reboot, log in as Adminis-
trator on either CoServer.
The FTvirtual Server Desktop appears.
2. Allow the installation to progress.
• Ensure that the Endurance taskbar icon appears.
• Text mode setup starts and displays a progress bar showing Win-
dows being installed on the FTvirtual Server. Text mode setup com-
pletes, and the FTvirtual Server restarts.
• GUI mode setup starts and displays the standard Windows installa-
tion on the FTvirtual Server Desktop. GUI mode setup completes,
and the FTvirtual Server restarts.
• If the installation prompts you, enter the requested information.