SCSI Description
5-112 Maxtor Atlas 10K III
READ DEFECT DATA (10) Command-Field DescriptionREAD DEFECT
All in-line spared blocks do not have an associated LBA, and, therefore, will not be
seen in Logical Block Format.
Table 5-136 shows the Block Format returned when the Defect List Format is 000b
Defect Descriptor-Block Format.
Table 5-137 shows the Defective Bytes From Index Format when the Defect List
Format is 100b or the Physical Sector Format when the Defect List Format is 101b.
Defect Descriptor-Bytes From Index Format, or Physical Sector Format
When the value is 0, the returned data does not include the Primary Defect List.
When the value is 1, the returned data includes the Primary Defect List. The defects
are returned in ascending order.
When the value is 0, the returned data does not include the Grown Defect List.
When the value is 1, the returned data includes the Grown Defect List. The defects
are returned in order of occurrence.
When both PList and GList are set to 1, the Primary Defect List and the Grown Defect
List are returned. The Plist is returned followed by the Glist (the lists are not merged).
When both are set to 0, only the Defect List Header (Table 5-138) is reported to the
Defect List
This field specifies the format in which the defect descriptors are to be returned. The
supported formats are:
Block Format (Table 5-136).
Bytes from the Index (Figure 5-63). The data re-
turned from this mode does not include defects
outside normal user space.
Physical Sector Format (Table 5-137). Default for-
mat. The defects returned from this mode do not
include defects outside normal user space.
Vendor-Unique Format. This format is valid only
for the READ DEFECT DATA commands. The data
returned from this mode does not include defects
outside normal user space. Note that the vendor-
unique format is proprietary in nature and thus is
not documented in this Product Manual.
0 - 3 Defective Block Address
0 - 2 Cylinder Number of Defect
3 Head Number of Defect
4 - 7 Defective Bytes From Index / Defective Sector Number