MicroNet Technology SP5054 Network Router User Manual

5.22 [prefix] command
This function can do digits replacement of incoming call from IP side or PSTN
usr/config$ prefix
Prefix setting information and configuration
prefix [-pstnrule index oldnumber newnumber (index = 1 ~ 6)]
[-iprule index oldnumber newnumber (index = 1 ~ 6)]
prefix -print
-print Display prefix information and configuration.
-pstnrule Set PSTN incoming prefix rule information.
-iprule Set IP incoming prefix rule information.
prefix -pstnrule 1 2 8862 : prefix 2 will be replaced with 8862
Parameter Usages:
-print print current setting in prefix command.
-pstnrule to do digit replacement of incoming call from PSTN side. Ex, to
set prefix –pstnrule 1 123 456which means the first set of
PSTN side rule is: IF user press 123888 after dialing in VoIP
FXO gateway from PSTN side ,the real number dialed out will
become 456888.
-iprule to do digit replacement of incoming call from IP side. Ex, to set
prefix –iprule 1 456 789which means the first set of IP side
rule is: IF user press 456000 after dialing in VoIP FXO gateway
from PSTN side ,the real number dialed out will become
5.23 [rom] command
ROM file information and firmware upgrade function.
usr/config$ rom
ROM files updating commands
rom [-app] [-dsptest] [-dspcore] [-dspapp] [-rbpcm] [-htpcm]
[-greeting] -s TFTP/FTPserver ip -f filename
rom [-method mode] [-ftp username password]
rom -print
-print show versions of rom files. (optional)
-app update main application code(optional)
-boot update main boot code(optional)
-boot2m update 2M code(optional)
-dsptest update DSP testing code(optional)