MicroNet Technology SP5054 Network Router User Manual

asking for pincode.
-s to specify TFTP server’s IP address when upgrading ROM files.
-f to specify the target file name, which will replace the old one.
-method to decide using TFTP or FTP as file transfer server. “0” stands
for TFTP, while “1” stands for FTP.
-ftp if users choose FTP in above item, it is necessary to specify
pre-defined username and password when upgrading files.
5.24 [passwd] command
For security concern, users have to input the password before entering
configuration mode.
usr/config$ passwd
Password setting information and configuration
passwd -set Loginname Password
Loginname can be only 'root' or 'administrator'
passwd -set root 2fxo
Parameter Usages:
-passwd <login name> <password>
<login name> can be “root” or “administrator” only. “root” and “administrator”
have the same authorization, except3 commands that can be executed by
“root” only – “passwd –set root”, “rom –boot”, and “flash –clean”