Mitsubishi Electronics MIM-A01 Modem User Manual

8.2.5 AT+T Send - Sending SMS, E-Mail, Fax and Express E-Mail Messages
Setting General Message Parameters
Sending a Fax
AT Commands MIM-A01 Appendix
AT+T Send="All;..."
AT+T Send="ALL; DialPrefix:nnn; ModemName:Name; ModemNumber:number End:char"
This command sets the parameters that are common to all types of messages;
no message is sent.
No message text can be entered after this command!
Getting an Outside Line Prefix
If youareusing themodem onasystem wherea prefixis neededtoget anoutsideline, en
ter it here. Enter characters which can be dialled (0-9,*,#, comma) only.
If no prefix is needed to get an outside line, you can leave out this parameter.
When sending fax messages, this name is used in the header of the
fax sent and as sender ID when sending Express E-Mails.
A maximum of 16 alphanumeric characters is allowed.
Number of the telephone line to which your Tixi modem is connected.
This number must be entered in international format: +49-30-1234567.
Thisnumber isusedinthe headersoffax messagesandislisted asthesenderfor Express
Defines the character that closes the message and starts sending. (default:
Enter the external call prefix "0", the modem name "John Doe Inc, modem 2" and
the telephone number "+44-20-1234567":
AT+T Send = "All; DialPrefix:0; ModemName: John Doe Inc, modem 2;
ModemNumber: +44-20-1234567"
AT+T Send="Fax;..."
AT+T Send="Fax; Dial: number"
>MessageText line#1
>MessageText line#n
This command sends a text message as fax or sets the parameters.
When you have closed the command line with <CR/LF>, the modem displays a prompt (>) where
you can specify the subject line you want in your fax message. The message text is entered in sub
sequent lines. To close this message, press the keys <CTRL>+<Z>.
If you skip the message text, the parameters are saved for later use until replaced by new parameters.
The recipients fax number.
Enter characters which can be dialled (0-9,*,#, comma) only.
This is the first line of the message text. It forms the subject line
of the fax message.
MessageText line#1...n:
Other lines of the message text.
Eachlineisenteredat thepromptcharacterdisplayedbythemo
dem and closed by <CR/LF>. During sending the modem does
an automaticline break after75 characters byitself. The messa
ge text must not contain umlauts.
AT+T Send="Fax; Dial: 40578747"
>Hello Paul
>This is the important message sent by fax.
>See you.
Short modem reply: