Mitsubishi Electronics MIM-A01 Modem User Manual

Sending an SMS Message
Appendix AT Commands MIM-A01
Mitsubishi Industrial Modem 8-15
AT+T Send="SMS;..."
AT+T Send="SMS; To: recipient; ServiceCentreNumber: SCNumber; Type: Protocol"
This command sends an SMS message or sets the parameters.
When you close the command line by pressing <ENTER> (<CR/LF>), the modem displays a prompt
(>) where you enter the message text on one line.
To end and send the message, press <ENTER> and then<CTRL>+<Z>.
If you skip the message text, the parameters are saved for later use until replaced by new parameters.
The relevant SMS service centre number.
This parameter must also be set when receiving SMS messages because inco
ming SMS calls are recognized using this number.
Enter characters which can be dialled (0-9,*,#, comma) only.
Number of person receiving the SMS message - in most cases a mobile phone
Protocol of the relevant SMS service centre. Valid values are:
D1_TAP Sending SMS via D1-SMSC (for example, D1 mobile phone)
D2_UCP Sending SMS via D2-SMSC (for example, D2 mobile phone)
Mobilkom_A_TAP Sending SMS via Mobilcom Austria (A1)
PSTN Sending SMS Messages via PSTN-SMSC
If notindicatedotherwise,the protocolsupportedbythe hostof therecipientcallnumber isautomatically
used. (Germany only)
At the prompt, enter the SMS text and finish by pressing ENTER.
A maximum of 160 characters may be used for the text of an SMS, including
<CR/LF>. Enter the SMS text as consecutive text in one line. The message text
must not contain umlauts.(The <CR/LF> character is created by pressing the
ENTER key)
a) The send command configures all necessary parameters and an SMS message is sent:
AT+T Send="SMS; To:071365776; ServiceCentreNumber:0193010"
>The message text follows here.
Comprehensive modem reply:
+T Send: sending message
* StartTime: 2001/10/30,09:42:13
* EndTime: 2001/10/30,09:42:26
* SMSC Time: 2001/10/30,09:42:48
b) The send command uses the configured parameters (incl. receiver number) and an
SMS message is sent:
AT+T Send="SMS;"
>The message text follows here.
Short modem reply: