User Guide
automatically sets the modems serial baud rate to match your computers
and also sets the modems parity. It also clears the modems command
buffer. Once youre in terminal mode, enter AT followed by <CR> to
check whether your modem is operational. If everythings fine, your
modem will respond OK.
Simple Operations
You can dial by using the ATD command and the phone number of the
modem with which you wish to connect, e.g., ATD6127853500. Your
modem will dial the number. A scrambling noise is heard as the modem
negotiates the kind of connection it can make. Once the modems have settled
on a common connection, a connect message on your computers video is
displayed. To hang up a call, enter ATH0<CR>. Your modem will return on
hook, just as if you had returned a phones handset to its cradle. Your video
now displays OK, signifying that your modem is ready for your next command.
Software Configuration
Communications software must be configured to work with the modem, your
computer, and the remote system it is calling. Fortunately, most communications
programs make the process easy by providing a default initialization string to
your modem as well as defaults for most of the other required parameters.
Some software programs allow you to select your modem type from a menu.
By this method, initialization strings that correspond to a particular modem type
can be selected to operate optimally with the software being used.
*: See your respective software manual for further information on your
communications software.