Multi-Tech Systems DT101 Fax Machine User Manual

Chapter 2 - Configuration
To configure the DataTalker, enter 1 and press ENTER.
The Configurations menu is displayed. From this menu you can configure the data port, voice/fax
channel(s), or the composite link. You can also select various factory defaults and store your
current configuration:
1 - Data Port Configuration
2 - Voice/Fax Channel(s) Configuration
3 - Composite Link Configuration
4 - Factory Default Configuration Options
5 - Configure Remote Unit
S - Store All Configurations
M - Main Menu
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
For configuration 3, let’s start by configuring the data port. Enter 1 and press ENTER. The Data
Port Configuration menu is displayed:
Data Port Configuration
1 - Async/Sync: Async
2 - Speed: 19200
3 - Word Length: 8
4 - Stop Bits: 1
5 - Parity: None
6 - Flow Control: CTS
7 - Enq/Ack Flow Control: Off
8 - Echo: Off
9 - Pacing: Off
10 - EIA Pass Through: Off
11 - Pass Xon: Off
S - Store All Configurations
M - Main Menu
P - Previous Menu
Selection : _
Since the data port in this configuration is going to be set up for synchronous operation, only two
options apply: Clocking and Speed. Enter 1 and press ENTER to change to the synchronous
mode of operation. At the Sync Data Port Configuration menu, select the appropriate speed by
entering its menu list number. Use caution when setting the speed—the sync data channel could
very easily overrun the composite link if the speed is set too high. Enter 2 and press ENTER to
change the clocking to internal, which allows the DataTalker to provide the clock.