Chapter 2 Measurement & Automation Explorer
© National Instruments Corporation 2-15 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
3. Right-click on your GPIB interface and select NI-488.2 Help from the
drop-down menu that appears.
National Instruments GPIB Web Site
To access the National Instruments Web site for GPIB, select
Start»Programs»National Instruments NI-488.2»Explore GPIB to
start Measurement & Automation Explorer. Then, select Help»National
Instruments on the Web»GPIB Home Page.
View or Change GPIB-ENET Network Settings
(Windows 98/95 Only)
To view or change the network settings of your GPIB-ENET, refer to the
following sections. For more information about your GPIB-ENET network
settings, refer to the Getting Started with Your GPIB-ENET and the
NI-488.2 Software for Windows 98/95 manual.
Assign IP Address
You can run the Assign IP Address utility in Measurement & Automation
Explorer, as follows:
1. Contact your network administrator to determine whether you should
use the Assign IP Address utility to assign the IP address manually.
2. Select Start»Programs»National Instruments NI-488.2»Explore
GPIB to start Measurement & Automation Explorer.
3. Expand the Devices and Interfaces directory by clicking on the + next
to the folder.
4. Right-click on your GPIB-ENET interface and select Assign IP
Address from the drop-down menu that appears.
To view the built-in, context-sensitive help for the Assign IP Address
utility, click on the Help button.
Configure Advanced IP Settings
You can run the Advanced IP Settings utility in Measurement &
Automation Explorer, as follows:
1. Contact your network administrator.
2. Select Start»Programs»National Instruments NI-488.2»Explore
GPIB to start Measurement & Automation Explorer.