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APPENDIX C: Default Settings
This appendix provides the default settings for the NETGEAR Model GSM712/GSM712F Managed
Stackable Switch.
Feature GSM712/GSM712F Default Setting
Port Speed Auto-negotiation
Port Duplex Auto-negotiation
Flow Control (half duplex) Enabled
Flow Control (full duplex) Enabled
IP Configuration DHCP enabled
Password protection Disabled
User Name Admin
Password password
VLAN All ports belong to Default VLAN (VLAN 1) as untagged ports
IP Multicast Filtering Disabled
Spanning Tree Protocol Enabled
Fast Link Enabled
Traffic Prioritization
Optimized for flow control, all ports normal priority
0-31 normal priority, 32 – 63 high priority
MAC address aging 300 seconds
SNMP Community Public (you must add application to Host table before switch
will respond to SNMP requests)