24 | Chapter 4: Security Configuration
ProSafe 5 AP Wireless Management Software WMS105
Configuring Guest Access
Guest access settings are useful when you are configuring a public access point. The guest
access feature is not a captive portal. You can use guest access to:
• Redirect the user to a guest portal that you specify.
• Allow users to see a splash screen from the wi-fi provider or ask users to enter simple
information such as an email address.
To set up guest access:
1. On the Configuration tab, select Guest Access > Config:
2. Specify the following settings:
• Enable: Enable this if you want all HTTP (TCP, port 80) requests to be routed to the
URL you specify in the next field.
• Redirect URL: Enter the URL of the Web server that you want all HTTP requests to
be redirected to.
3. Click Apply so that your changes take effect.