Oki ES3640E All in One Printer User Manual

ES3640e MFP Utilities Guide
Print Job Accounting Utility • 32
Server Software
1. Place the driver CD supplied with your printer in the CD-ROM
drive on the Server computer. Wait for the Menu Installer to
If the CD does not AutoPlay, click Start
Run Browse.
Browse to your CD-ROM drive. Double-click Install.exe.
Click OK.
2. Click
Next to accept the terms in the license agreement.
3. Select the language.
4. Click Network Software Administration Tools Job
Server and follow the on-screen instructions.
5. If you want to create log reports using Excel, install the report
tools. Click
Report Tools. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Client Software
Windows Client Computers
1. Place the driver CD supplied with your printer in the CD-ROM
drive and wait for the Menu Installer to open.
If the CD does not AutoPlay, click Start
Browse to your CD-ROM drive. Double-click Install.exe.
Click OK.
2. Click
Next to accept the terms in the license agreement.
3. Select the language.
4. Click
Network Software Administration Tools Job
Client. Follow the on-screen instructions.
The printer driver(s) must also be installed on the
Client computers.