E-39Pacemark 4410 Setup Guide
Next, install the On-Line User’s Guide in Windows 2000
These instructions assume “D” is the location of your
CD-ROM drive.
1. Make sure all applications are closed and the Pacemark 4410 CD is
in your CD-ROM drive.
2. Click Start Run.
3. Type D:/install, and click OK.
4. Click the button beside On-Line Manual.
5. Follow the instructions on your screen.
Viewing the On-Line Pacemark User’s Guide in Windows 2000
1. Click Start Programs PM4410.
2. Click OKI Pacemark 4410 On-Line Manual.
To view the manual from the Pacemark 4410 CD, open
Acrobat Reader, click File Open, browse to the
Manuals\English directory on the CD, and double-click
e4410m.pdf .