Command/Response Reference Section 11-3
10. Total number of inputs of each packet type during ICMP input. The 19 sta-
tistical values are returned in the order shown below. Contents are defined
for 13 types only; all other types contain 0.
TCP Status (Response) Three types (46 items) of TCP status information occupying 4 bytes each are
returned in the following sequence. Each value is returned as an 8-digit hexa-
decimal value.
1) Connection Information (60 Bytes)
Fifteen items are returned in the following sequence:
1,2,3... 1. The number of times active connections were correctly established.
2. The number of times a SYN packet was received while waiting to establish
a passive connection.
3. The number of times active or passive connections were correctly estab-
4. The number of times an established connection was cut off.
5. The number of times the connection wait status was cut off.
6. The number of times protocol control blocks or other actively allocated
structures were released.
7. The number of segments for the round-trip time (time from segment trans-
mission to ACK).
8. The number of times the round-trip time was changed.
9. The number of times a delayed acknowledgement (ACK) was sent. If the
order of the received segments is reversed, ACK is sent with a packet of
data separate from ACK (response to input data, etc.) or is immediately
sent with the ACK for other data.
10. The number of times the connection was cut off because no ACK was re-
turned after several resend attempts.
Type number Description
#0 Echo reply
#1, #2 Undefined, always 0
#3 Destination unreachable
#4 Source quench
#5 Routing redirect
#6, #7 Undefined, always 0
#8 Echo
#9, #10 Undefined, always 0
#11 Time exceeded
#12 Parameter problem
#13 Time stamp
#14 Time stamp reply
#15 Information request
#16 Information request reply
#17 Address mask request
#18 Address mask reply
4 bytes
#0 #2 #3 #5 #15 #17 #18#4#1 #16to