Checking Communications Section 3-12
3-12 Checking Communications
The Ethernet Unit supports the PING command, which is also widely sup-
ported by host computers. It also supports a function for internode testing in
the FINS communications service by simply manipulating bits with a Program-
ming Device.
After the settings and connections have been completed, use either the PING
command or the internode test function as required to check communications
with the remote nodes.
3-12-1 PING Command and Internode Testing
The following table outlines the points of difference between the PING com-
mand and internode testing.
3-12-2 PING Command
The PING command checks communications with another node by sending
an echo back request packet and receiving a response packet. Use the PING
command as required to check communications. Using the PING command
between nodes that support the PING command makes it possible to check
whether internode communications are normal.
For details on using the PING command, refer to 9-2 PING Command.
3-12-3 Internode Test
The internode test is a function for checking a network by sending data to and
from specified nodes and checking the responses. Use the internode test as
required to check the FINS communications service settings. Using it between
Communications Units and Boards that support it makes it possible to check
whether the FINS communications service settings are correct.
For details on using the internode test, refer to 9-3 Internode Test.
Item PING command Internode testing
Main application Testing communications as
an Ethernet node.
Checking settings such as
FINS addresses for using
the FINS communications
Test objects Ethernet Units and Ether-
net devices that support
OMRON Units and Boards
that support FINS commu-
nications service intern-
ode testing.
Network classification Within Ethernet networks
(including between seg-
Up to three levels of Ether-
net networks, and FA net-
Address system used IP addresses FINS address system (net-
work and node numbers)
Note: Requires routing
Transmission from Ether-
net Unit
PING command is issued
to Ethernet Unit by
CMND(490) instruction in
user program.
Set required parameters in
DM from Programming
Device, and manipulate
start switch bit.
Reception at Ethernet Unit When PING command is
received, it is automati-
cally returned.
When internode test mes-
sage is received, it is auto-
matically returned.