Chapter 8 Reading Reports/Lists
Reading Address Book List
Items in the Address Book list are listed below.
No. Item Explanation
(1) The first letter of station
name recorded in your
The first letter of station name recorded in your machine
(2) Key name recorded in the
Up to 15 characters
(3) Station name recorded in
the machine
Up to 15 characters
(4) Email address recorded in
the machine
Telephone number
recorded in the machine
Up to 60 characters (Email address)
Up to 36 digits (Telephone number)
(5) Number of recorded
Address Book stations
Telephone number/Email address programmed for the Address Book
(6) Routing Sub-address Up to 20 digits
(7) Routing TSI Up to 20 digits
(8) Relay address Relay address
************* -Address Book List- ***************** Date dd-MMM-yyyy ***** Time 15:00 ********
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Key Name Station Name Email Address / Telephone No.
Routing Sub-Addr
(6) Routing TSI (7) Relay Addr(8)
[B] [Bob Jones ] Bob Jones Jonesb@abcdefg.com
123456 201 555 1212
[J] [John Smith ] John Smith 201 555 3156
1234 +1 201 123 4567 [RELAY1]
[John Smith ] John Smith 201 555 3156
1212 212 555 1234 [RELAY2]
[P] [Panafax1 ] Panafax1 Panafax1@Panasonic.com.co.jp
4827 +81 03 5251 1234
[Panafax2 ] Panafax1 Panafax2@Panasonic.com.co.jp
1773 +81 0467 5251 1234
No. of Stations = 05
***** DP-XXX************************* -HEAD OFFICE - ***** - 201 555 1212- *******