Status Branch
4-53910-A2-GN32-40 September 1998
VF displays the condition of the leased or dial connection.
To access VF from the Status branch, make the following selection:
Status: >
DeviceHS VF
Select VF.
Status:VF >
If the modem is receiving a signal, the signal quality appears on the LCD’s bottom line. Press the
key to scroll and view the receive signal level, signal-to-noise ratio, near end echo level, far
end echo level, far end echo delay, and echo frequency offset. If the modem is not receiving a
signal, the message No Signal appears on the LCD.
SigQual Signal Quality displays the condition of the VF line. Possible values are
Excelent (Excellent), Good, Fair, Poor, or No Signal. These values appear
for V.32 terbo, V.32bis, and V.32 modulations.
RcvLevel Receive Signal Level displays, in decibels referenced to one milliwatt
(dBm), the actual strength of the incoming signal. This value appears for
V.32 terbo, V.32bis, V.32, and Trellis Multipoint modulations.
Sig/Noise Signal-to-Noise Ratio displays, in decibels, the receive signal strength
relative to noise on the line. This value appears for V.32 terbo, V.32bis,
V.32, and Trellis Multipoint modulations.
NrEchLvl Near End Echo Level displays the signal level, in decibels referenced to
one milliwatt (dBm), of that portion of the transmit signal which has been
echoed back by the local line termination. This value appears for
V.32 terbo, V.32bis, and V.32 modulations.
FarEchLvl Far End Echo Level displays the signal level, in decibels referenced to one
milliwatt (dBm), of that portion of the transmit signal which has been
echoed back by the remote line termination. This value appears for
V.32 terbo, V.32bis, and V.32 modulations.
FarEchDel Far End Echo Delay displays the roundtrip delay in milliseconds of the far
end echo. This value appears for V.32 terbo, V.32bis, and
V.32 modulations.
EchoFreqOff Echo Frequency Offset displays the frequency offset of the far end echo.
This value appears for V.32 terbo, V.32bis, and V.32 modulations.