4 • Driver installation and configuration Model 2977 DialFire RAS User Guide
50 Driver installation for the Microsoft Windows NT operating system
2. Choose Users > Permission from the menu.
3. Configure permission. Use Microsoft Windows NT online help for information.
Configuring Dial-up Networking Connections
Use this procedure to configure Dial-up Networking connections for a Patton Electronics adapter.
1. To access the Dial-up Networking utility, double-click My Computer and then Dial-up Networking.
2. Choose
3. Fill out configuration fields. Here are a few tips:
– If you will use more than one telephone number to make the connection, do the following: (a) Fill in
the telephone number (b) Choose the
Alternate button, (c) Add numbers. (d) Choose OK when you are
– In the
Dial-up using field, specify the device that will be used for the connection.
– If you want to configure a Multilink connection, do the following: (1) Choose
Multiple Lines in the Dial-up
field. This entry will appear only if you have configured the connection in RAS for Multilink. (2)
Configure. (3) Check any channels that are to be part of the multilink connection.
– When providing telephone numbers, remember the following: (a) You may have to include the number
9 or some other digit to get an outside line if your site uses a PBX or Centrex service. (b) For ISDN con-
nections, do not use spaces, dashes, or commas in the telephone number. (c) If this is a long distance
call, be sure the telephone number includes the number 1 and an area code.
– When selecting ISDN Devices, select the line type ordered from your service provider.
4. Choose
OK > Close.
Configuring Modems on COM Ports
Use this procedure to configure a Patton Electronics modem as a Microsoft Windows NT COM port.
1. Choose Control Panel > Modems > Add.
2. Check
Don't detect my modem; I will select it from a list and then choose Next.
3. Choose the Patton Electronics modem and then
4. Choose COM ports on which to install the modem and then
Next > Finish.
Uninstalling the Driver
Use this procedure to uninstall a Microsoft Windows NT driver.
1. Open the Windows NT Control Panel.
2. Choose
Network > Adapters.
3. Highlight the adapter and choose