1-6 Getting Started
Do Not disassemble, short-circuit, heat above
80°C, or incinerate the battery. It may explode.
♦ The battery should be charged immediately for
either long-term storage or after the battery has
been exhausted from a printing session. Frequent
charging will actually prolong battery life and has
no negative effects such as memory issues.
♦ Do not let the battery get battery wet or come into
contact with metal objects.
♦ Do not use a battery with a cracked case.
♦ It is normal for battery capacity to decrease up to
20% over the first 300 cycles of use.
♦ The printer uses battery power even when the
printer is not printing. Remove the printer's battery
and place on a charger when the printer is not in
♦ Many factors affect your battery's performance,
including the quantity of labels printed, intervals of
batches printed, percentage of black per label, and
power management.