Perle Systems 5500208-41 Server User Manual

Line Commands
Enter a time, in seconds, for which the Session Timer will run. Use this timer to
forcibly close the session (connection). When the Session Timer expires, the IOLAN
will end the connection. The default value is
0 seconds so the port will never timeout.
The maximum value is 4294967 seconds (about 49 days).
Specifies the number of stop bits that follow a byte.
Specifies the type of terminal connected to the line:
z Dumb
z WYSE60
z VT100
z TVI925
z IBM3151TE
z VT320 (specifically supporting VT320-7)
z HP700 (specifically supporting HP700/44)
z Term1, Term2, Term3 (user defined terminals)
For DSLogin line service, makes this a line that is dedicated to the specified user. Only
this user will be able to log in on this line and they won’t need to enter their login name
- just their password.