Line Service Commands
48 IOLAN DS1/TS2 CLI Reference Guide, Version 4.1
Set Termtype
Description Sets the terminal type for the current terminal session. term1, term2, and term3 refer to
the user-uploadable custom terminal definitions. If these are not present, the default is
User Level Restricted, Normal, Admin
Option wyse60|vt100|ansi|dumb|tvi925|ibm3151te|vt320|hp700|term1|term2|term3
Show Line
Description Shows the line settings/information.
User Level Admin
Line Service Commands
Set Custom-App
Description You can create a custom application that can run on a specific serial line in IOLAN
using the Perle SDK.
User Level Admin
Options program-command-line
set termtype
Specifies the type of terminal connected to the line:
z Dumb
z WYSE60
z VT100
z TVI925
z IBM3151TE
z VT320 (specifically supporting VT320-7)
z HP700 (specifically supporting HP700/44)
z Term1, Term2, Term3 (user defined terminals)
show line
set custom-app line .|<number>|* program-command-line <command>
The name of the SDK program executable that has been already been downloaded to
the IOLAN, plus any parameters you want to pass to the program. Maximum of 80
characters. Use the
shell CLI command as described in the SDK Programmer’s Guide
to manage the files that you have downloaded to the IOLAN. For example, using
sample outraw program, you would type:
outraw Acct:10001
if you were starting the application on a line.