2000 User’s Manual
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Communications Setup
The software will communicate to your 2000 through your
computer’s local serial port or through your modem. These commu-
nication paths must be properly configured for a connection to be
established. (If you ran the auto-configure option at start-up, you
may skip over this section.) To configure the communications
settings manually, click on Configuration>Communications Setup.
Local Port Configuration
Select the appropriate serial port to communicate with the 2000.
This must be a serial port on your computer that is unused and can
be connected to the CPP Monitor 2000’s RS232 port.
Modem Setup
Select the serial port that communicates with your modem and
select the maximum baud rate of your modem. This will typically be
all that is required to configure your modem; however, additional
options have been included and are described below.
Retries: This is the number of times Manager 2000 will attempt to
call a CPP Monitor 2000 if it encounters a busy signal or is unsuc-
cessful at making a connection during any manual attempt to call
Use All Dial Time: Checking this box will make the Manager 2000
software wait until this time period has expired before attempting to
communicate with the unit, even though a connection may have
been established earlier.
Dial Time Out: If a modem connection is not established with a
CPP Monitor 2000 before this time expires, Manager 2000 software
terminates the call.