Chapter 4: Programming
To view a Data File Off-line:
1. Click the “Open” button on the Toolbar. The “Open Connection”
form will appear.
2. Choose a unit from the text box.
3. Click Edit on the “Open Connection” form. The name of the last
Off-Line Data File that was created or saved appears in the lower left
corner of the Unit Data form. Click “OK” to accept the file or click
the Browse button next to the filename to select another file.
4. Under Connection Mode, select “Off-line.”
5. Click “Connect.”
The Manager 2000 software will display the programming param-
eters as if you were connected with a unit. You can view these
parameters, but you can’t change them.
To delete a Data File:
Choose “File” from the main menu, then select “Delete Data File.”
Select the file you wish to delete and click “OK.”
To load an existing Data File into a CPP Monitor 2000 Unit:
1. Establish an on-line connection with a CPP Monitor 2000 (either
Local or via Modem).
2. Choose “File” from the main menu, then select “Load Data.”
3. Select the Data File you wish to load, then click “OK.”
The selected Data File will be loaded into the CPP Monitor 2000.
All existing programming in the unit will be overwritten.
The System form includes the global system parameters that apply
to the unit in general. You must be on-line with the unit to program
the System parameters. Once you are on-line, choose Program from
the main menu, then select System. You can also access the System
programming from the Toolbar button labeled System.
Below is a list of the parameters, their default settings and the range
of programming for each parameter.