Experimenter’s Module
Note also that the Nose (N) 16-pin and the General (G) 26-pin I/O connectors are
numbered odd pins on top and even pins on the bottom; not top, left to right, then bottom
left to right. The pinouts for the Nose connector, for example, are:
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
246810 121416
Table 4-1. Pioneer I/O ports and connections
Label Connector/Pin Use
Digital Inputs
ID0 G7 Gripper top switch
ID1 G9 Gripper carry switch
ID2 G11 Gripper open switch
ID3 G13 Paddle inner break beam
ID4 G15 Paddle outer break beam
ID5 N5 Paddle bump switches
ID6 N3 User push-button switch
ID7 N1 User slide switch
Digital Outputs
OD0 G17 Gripper motor rotation direction
OD1 G19 Gripper motor enable
OD2 G21 User LED (amber)
OD3 G23 Right paddle and front LEDs
OD4 G25 Left paddle and front LEDs
OD5 N13 Speaker
OD6 N11 User servo motor logic
OD7 N9 User servo motor logic
A/D N7,G1 Analog-to-digital input
IDT G3 Timer input
ODT N15 Timer output
Logic Power
Ground N2,4,6,8,14,16; G2,4,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26
+5 VDC N10,12; G6,8