Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 15
Problem Resolution
Will not Laminate • Check Power to the Laminator
• Make sure that the Ready LED is
on and steady indicating the
Laminator's Heat Roller has
achieved normal operating
I do not see an option
• In PrimoDVD, click Robotics then
in PrimoDVD to Options. You should see a
laminate discs Laminate check box.·
• If you do not see this option in the
Robotic Options dialog box, install
the software on the install disc
provided with your Laminator
Stand. There is an updater on this
disc that will add this functional.
The Overlaminate Film
• Increase the heat setting with the
is not adhering properly Heat Slide Bar on the Laminator's
to my discs; there are Control Panel. Slide the Heat
patchy areas where the Setting one or two hash marks
film is not sticking to the toward the front of the Laminator
disc label. to increase the heat setting.
The Overlaminate Film
• Decrease the heat setting with
appears to be wrinkling, the Heat Slide Bar on the
with scratch-like marks Laminator's Control Panel. Slide
appearing across the the Heat Setting one or two hash
surface of the disc marks toward the rear of the
Laminator to decrease the heat
If you have difficulties in operating your Laminator, the
procedures in this manual should, in most cases, solve the
problem. If you still have difficulty, call Technical Support at
the number listed on the insert in your Laminator suppy pack.
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