10.4 FIFO status and control
Several registers are used to control the FIFOs and monitor their status. These registers
are detailed in other chapters of this manual.
10.4.1 Interrupt status
Three interrupt statuses, listed in Table 8, can be generated by four events related to FIFO
activity. In each case, a latched bit in the Interrupt Status Register is set to a logic 1 (see page
43). These bits are write-clear, meaning that software must write a 1 to a bit in order to clear it.
FIFO-related interrupts will occur only when the
MPAP-100 interrupt source is set to INTSCC. See Table
10 on page 41 for details.
Software can read data
from the receive FIFO as
(bit 3)
Special receive pattern
Software can read bytes
from the receive FIFO until
the FIFO is empty.
Receive data timeout with
non-empty FIFO
Software can read at least
512 bytes from the receive
(bit 2)
Receive FIFO filled past
the half-full mark
Software can write at least
512 bytes to the transmit
(bit 1)
Transmit FIFO drained
past the half-full mark
Interrupt Status
Register Bit
Table 8 --- FIFO-related interrupt statuses
Software can differentiate between the two types of
RX_FIFO interrupts by examining the RXH bit in the
FIFO Status Register. If RXH is clear (logic 0), the
interrupt occurred because of a timeout.