Radio Shack 25-3121 Webcam User Manual

Image Format Settings
You can choose different image sizes, depending on your
monitor's display size. The application software offers five
image size choices. Select lower image sizes for low-
resolution images or high image sizes for high resolution
To change the image size, click on Output Size on the
Properties window. The Properties screen appears. Ô
Color Space/Compression — Your camera can work with
video images that are processed with characteristics called
color space and compression. Your camera's default color
space/compression setting is RGB24. Advanced users can
adjust this value to I420,orRGB24.
Output Size — Your camera's default image size setting is
320 x 240, but you can adjust this value to 160 x 120, 176 x
144, 352 x 288,or640 x 480. Ô
Capturing and Transferring Images
Once you open the TWAIN window, the process used to
capture and transfer images is the same, regardless of the
application software you used with your camera. Ô
1. Start the application software you want to use to
capture and transfer images.
2. Use the application software you chose to scan a new
picture. The target image appears.
3. To capture an image, press the snap-shot button on top
of the camera or click on
Capture on the iCam322
TWAIN window. The camera freezes the image and
displays it under Video box of the iCam322 window.
The frame rate will be
automatically adjusted for
optimum exposure. Manual
adjustment is not available on
this model.
The larger the image size you
choose, the more memory
space it occupies and the longer
the file takes to transfer.
Depending on the application
software you use to capture and
transfer images, the steps you
use might be different than
these steps. Page 7 Monday, April 28, 2003 2:51 PM